The pupil — more than just an attraction factor

A large pupil has been, throughout history, considered aesthetically beautiful. A pupil, is however, much more than a factor that increases your facial attractiveness. Its purpose is to control how much light reaches the fundus, i.e. the interior surface of the eye. Since seeing is, in fact, all about light, the pupil is no small matter.

One could compare the pupil to a venetian blind: when there is less light, the pupil expands. In this way, it can catch all the available light for its use. When there is a lot of light, a small pupil opening provides enough light. Even the smallest pupil, however, cannot do miracles.

In a nutshell you could say that the smaller the pupil, the better you see. You can test this yourself: make a small hole on piece of paper and peek through the hole. You will see that the landscape is sharper than it would be if looking with bare eyes.

Young people’s pupils are often larger than older people’s. If you feel like the incoming lights of cars spread out or you have trouble seeing, for instance the numbers on the busses, the reason may be the size and variance in the dilation of the pupil. This kind of an issue cannot be fixed merely by addressing astigmatism. There are ways to fix this issue, for instance a special cutting of the lens provided by the German lens manufacturer Zeiss. Our boutique has an instrument, which can detect problems in healthy eyes in just a few minutes. With the measurement, which is free of charge, we can find out what kind of benefits you would have from Zeiss special cut lenses. Welcome!


Photos by Zeiss